Eku lockdown! (local greeting in my native language for…. well, “practically anything!”. The “Eku” part that is!). So I could find you eating and be like Eku Eating! hahahha! Well not quite like that (Geez! The patrons of this dialect would have my head for such gross mangling of the language!)… but you get the drift, a bit of it at least. I hope.
Anyhoo! Eku Lockdown.. again! Everything except life itself seems to have gone virtual these days – work, relationships, shopping…. you name it. Lifestyles are changing and rapidly too! I mean, honestly, did you see yourself 7 months ago where you are today? working from home, having to sit with your spouse all day everyday and wanting nothing more than the pleasure of hitting them with a baton? perhaps the last part you saw coming eh? lol
Anyways with the sudden jaw breaking shift in just about everything – business models are adapting to new ways of doing things and that’s why I am proudly introducing #SomethingBorrowed for small businesses – A rental vehicle that gets you to where you’re going without needing to break the bank!
I have and will (for a limited time) continue to partner with small businesses acoss Canada to bring you affordable rentals for your photoshoots etc! But first we begin with Motherland! Nigeria? na! Calgary!
A team of buisinesses have come together to provide rental services for just about anything you need to make that dream photoshoot happen without you being saddled with the trouble of “owning the props”! We’ve got;
- Hair rentals
- African attire and props rentals
- Space rentals
So you see?! That photoshoot just got waaayyyyyy cost effective than you thought!
So if you have a buiness that can benefit or be part of the “something borrowed” model, please fill out this google form or hit us up on instagram (@tolajimoh). I look forward to hearing back! Let’s build a formidable ecosystem…. because we can!
Welcome to the game changing age!